If You Do Not See It, It Does Not Mean We Do Not Have It. We offer free Shipping on all orders in the USA Even if you order one item, shipping is still free. We want to help you save money. We ship your items out fast. You should have your order within 2-4 business days of placing your order.

Variety of High-Quality Products: With Convatec supplies our experienced staff put your needs first. We are proud to provide a high-quality level of customer service, medical experience, and commitment to health and wellness to all our customers. We start this by shipping out your order extremely fast because we know how important it is to have your medical supplies fast! From wheelchairs to medical gloves, we are here for you. Bandages to Diabetic Supplies we have it all.

Competitive Pricing: We are known for offering the top quality products, that the industry has to offer at prices lower than other suppliers. Every one of our customers can trust that they are receiving our best prices upfront.